Latinxs & the Environment Conference
October 20 - 21, 2023
Theme: “Conectando a la comunidad Latina en la investigación ambiental y el cambio social”
You are cordially invited to attend the inaugural Latinxs and the Environment research conference which is being hosted by UC, Riverside and UC, Berkeley. This conference is a UC-wide initiative aimed at helping to promote and encourage research across all disciplines in environmental fields and in the Latinx community. The goal is to support a diverse community and to showcase research by Latinx researchers and for Latinx communities. The Latinxs and the Environment initiative is funded by a UCOP Hispanic Serving Institution Doctoral Diversity Initiative
Tap Here for Interactive Program
2023 L&E Conference Program by Arianne Leon
Keynote Speaker - Loralee Larios, PhD.
Assistant Professor and Plant Ecologist
Botany and Plant Sciences Deptartment
University of California, Riverside